Tips & Facts

Happy New Year 2024!

Happy New Year from all of us at Heavenly Paws! We wish you good health and happiness in 2024 and are looking forward to seeing you this year! Thank you so much for your support last year. Without you, we could not have rescued 919 cats in 2023. It was our biggest year of rescuing cats as we rescued 866 cats in 2022 and in 2021 562 cats.

We THANK YOU for your support and wish you all the best in 2024! Happy New Year and we will see you soon!

It’s National Check The Chip Day!

Today is National Check the Chip Day, the day where we raise the importance of microchipping pets which greatly helps lost pets return to their families.

Dogs are 2x as likely to be returned to their homes while cats are 20x more likely to reunite with their owners. Microchipping can be done at a veterinarian office or at a microchipping clinic and does not hurt the pet. Microchips are injected between the shoulder blades and only takes a second or two.

Microchips are not tracking devices but use RFID technology. Microchips do not hold personal information, but the unique chip ID number you will use when registering your chip. Microchips do not wear off in time and do not have energy waves that can hurt the pet.

Unfortunately, not all chips are registered and not everyone updates their chip information. It is extremely important to register your pet’s chip the same day your pet is microchipped at a clinic or at the vet. If you move or change your phone number please make sure to update the chip information as soon as you can by either calling the chip company or logging onto the company website.

PLEASE make sure to microchip your pet and update information in case your pet is lost. Shelters and veterinarian offices use chip scanners to scan for chips.

Happy New Year!

We cannot thank you enough for all of your support last year. We rescued 866 cats in 2022!!! Over 300 more cats than in 2021 wow!!!

We could not rescue that many kitties without our volunteers and supporters so thank you very much from all of us at Heavenly Paws! We truly appreciate you!

We’ll see you this year!


Every 4th of July is When More Pets Go Missing

The scariest holiday of the year is coming up – not Halloween, the Fourth of July! Due to loud fireworks, more pets go missing on July 4th than any other day. Microchips are an amazing recovery tool, but unfortunately, because of yearly fees and confusing platforms, over 50% of microchips are unregistered, which is like having an unengraved ID tag on your collar.

We’ve partnered with Fi to offer free for life microchip registrations and updates to all – and when you register via the following form, you will be entered to win a Fi GPS collar and one year subscription, the perfect pairing to a microchip! With a Fi GPS collar, you can track your pet in real time and have extra peace of mind – not to mention track their steps and exercise!

Register or reregister your microchip at this link to keep your pet safe and win a Fi collar:


Can I register my chip with Fi even though it’s registered elsewhere? Yes! When your chip is searched in the universal database, both registrations will show up, but your Fi registration shows as the most up to date and you will never be charged. Your old registration can stay in there, but you can keep your Fi registration up to date for free.

Why do I need a GPS collar if I have a microchip? Microchips are NOT GPS – in order to find your pup via a microchip, someone has to find your dog, bring them to a vet to have them scanned, look up your information, and contact you – that’s why the registration is so important!


Cold Weather is Coming – Are Your Outdoor Cats Ready?

Cold weather is coming so please take care of your outdoor kitties. Do you have a shelter for them that is insulated? A heated water and food dish for them? You can buy these items on Chewy or Amazon Smile. Some people prefer to make their own shelters and here are a few links about how to do so. Always use straw, not hay or blankets. If you keep your shelters outside throughout the year please remember to clean them out for the fall and winter.…/creating-winter-shelters/…/feral-cat-shelter-options…/

Remember, cats do take shelter in and under cars so please knock on your hood if your car is outside.If you are going to TNR please make sure to check your humane traps frequently as cats can freeze to death in them if in traps for too long outside. You can put your traps in your unfinished basement or in any warm area. If extreme weather is predicted it is not recommended to trap (cats usually take shelter then anyway).

Below are more tips on how to keep outdoor cats safe and warm in the cold weather. If you have an outdoor shelter for your outdoor kitties let’s see them in the comments section!

Thank you!

More Pets go missing on July 4th than any other day

The scariest holiday of the year is coming up – not Halloween, Fourth of July! Due to loud fireworks, more dogs go missing on July 4th than any other day. Microchips are an amazing recovery tool, but unfortunately, because of yearly fees and confusing platforms, over 50% of microchips are unregistered, which is like having an unengraved ID tag on your collar.

We’ve partnered with Fi to offer free for life microchip registrations and updates to all – and when you register via the following form, you will be entered to win a Fi GPS collar and one year subscription, the perfect pairing to a microchip! With a Fi GPS collar, you can track your dog in real time and have extra peace of mind – not to mention track their steps and exercise!

Register or reregister your microchip at this link to keep your pup safe and win a Fi collar:


Can I register my chip with Fi even though it’s registered elsewhere? Yes! When your chip is searched in the universal database, both registrations will show up, but your Fi registration shows as the most up to date and you will never be charged. Your old registration can stay in there, but you can keep your Fi registration up to date for free.

Why do I need a GPS collar if I have a microchip? Microchips are NOT GPS – in order to find your pup via a microchip, someone has to find your dog, bring them to a vet to have them scanned, look up your information, and contact you – that’s why the registration is so important!